Sea Kayak with
Gordon Brown
Volume 1 - Sea Kayak Handling
Our multi award winning 80min film builds the foundations of good sea kayaking, from forward paddling to advanced techniques. World-class coaching is mixed with a beautiful journey along the remote west coast of the Isle of Skye. Standard definition only
Foundations - posture, connectivity, power transfer and feel plus edging and leaning
Forward paddling - slow motion and freeze frame analysis reveal secrets of this essential stroke
Turning - refine your sweep stroke, with support, footwork and bracing plus much more in 3 sessions
Tidal races - breaking in and out, angle of approach and eddy line exercises
Steering - Stern rudder, body and blade positions in following sea or surf
Rock hopping - draw and hanging draw, linked in flowing sequences through narrow channels and in rough water
Due to Brexit disruption we currently ship to UK only